Upcycled Jewelry

What is upcycled jewelry and why do I love it?
I love the idea of taking old things—buttons, bits of vintage jewelry, beads, and other pre-loved items—and making something new and exciting from them! This is upcycled jewelry!
I first started making jewelry after I took a beading class about three decades ago. I instantly fell in love with the process of making jewelry, but never pursued it consistently back then.
For the next twenty years after that first class, I’d take a class here and there, give away what I made, and then forget about making more for a while. It was something I loved, but I never thought about making jewelry on a regular basis.

Eventually, I discovered the art of assemblage. Otherwise known as collage jewelry, assemblage is the art of putting together bits and pieces of other things to create something new. These pieces are obviously one-of-a-kind, and with my love of all things eclectic, I was hooked!
Upcycling (or repurposing) old jewelry gives new life to something that’s no longer useful or loved. I’ve repurposed many old or broken jewelry pieces into necklaces and bracelets that add a pop of excitement to the wardrobes they’re added to! I love the process of finding a unique piece of jewelry that I can build something new from. It feels a little bit like treasure hunting, except I get to make the treasure into whatever I want it to be!
It’s not only old jewelry that can be repurposed: I’ve upcycled knitting needles into earrings, old brass hardware into a necklace, leather belts and vintage napkin rings into cuff bracelets … the opportunities are endless! Once I got comfortable with making collage jewelry from bits of other jewelry, I started seeing inspiration in everything. I try not to limit myself to a certain kind of material or specific finished look. When inspiration strikes, I roll with it!

Upcycling not only gives me the opportunity to stretch my creative muscles, but also gives you the opportunity to wear something that will be a conversation piece for years to come. You can be confident that yours is a one-of-a-kind piece with a unique story behind it.
I crafted this necklace several years ago, mostly from vintage earrings.
French Ostrich upcycled jewelry (listed on the re-fabulous page) is made with an extra special level of care and attention. Sometimes I’ll hold onto an idea for a design for a long time just waiting for the perfect vintage or used item to use!
Upcycled jewelry also cuts down on the production of new materials, which we all know is better for the environment. Creating less waste is something that’s important to me in my business. Whether that’s using renewable materials such as cork, or giving new life to old things, it’s a commitment I believe is worth it!
I’ve found so much joy in upcycling jewelry, and I think it’s a concept we can all get creative with. Whether you enjoy making jewelry, upcycling furniture, or making art pieces from bottle caps, upcycling can be a fulfilling way to bring a little of your own flavor to the world!