Fall/Holiday 2024 Color Trends

A couple of weeks ago, I was mindlessly flipping through the TV channels one evening, and stopped at QVC, (one of shopping channels if you’re not familiar with it). I’m not an aficionado of TV shopping, but the gorgeous colors of a sweater collection caught my eye: a yellowy-white, a corally-red, a beautiful citron green … and more.
Flash forward to one day last week ago when I happened to listen to a Zoom call from a few months ago with Susannah of @karikistudio. Susannah offers trend forecasting for small businesses.
Susannah was right on target! Those lovely sweater colors I saw are on trend for this fall and holiday. Pop into your favorite boutique and you’re sure to see these colors.
That got me to thinking about how trends start in the first place. A trend is essentially a change that becomes popular. And, in the world of fashion and jewelry, trends are spotted during fashion week. Editors of fashion magazines attend these shows and then write articles and fill their magazines with the latest trends.
I’m not necessarily a trend follower, but if my favorite colors to wear are on trend during a particular season, you can bet I’ll do a little shopping.
What do you think about trends?